Access the digital (High Rez) files for all five design theory posters. Color Theory, Layout Theory, Typography Theory, Logo Design Theory and the Theory of Everything Poster

Details and Sizes

This purchase gives you access to files in two sizes. A1 and 24x36 inches.

The downloads contain high resolution print ready pdfs and digital jpeg versions of the posters. These are great if you planned on getting these printed anywhere yourself that requires CMYK format or bleed.

Note: This purchase does not include a physical printed poster and includes downloadable files only.

Bonus Download! The Graphic Design Theory of Everything Poster!

NEW! I combined my three main design theory posters (typography, color and layout) into one poster file! It is packed for sure. The files supplied are both A1 and 24x36 inch poster size. It comes in a high resolution pdf format with bleed added and a high resolution .png file too!

Now including white backgrounds too!

Three posters (Color, Typography and Layout) now come with a white background option!

Note: This excludes the design theory of everything poster (it only comes in black) as it was too complex to show up well with a white background. The same goes with the newest bonus logo design theory poster.

NEW! BONUS! Logo Design Theory Poster!

I did not want to leave Logo Design Theory out of the equation so I decided to add a black background version of this as a bonus download.